But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf for in its welfare you will find your welfare.     –    Jer 29:7



As Christians and as Redeemer, we know this world is not our home. But God has intentionally placed us here in a specific time and a specific place for a reason – to take part in what He’s doing to bring about His Kingdom through His will being done on earth as it is in heaven.

This is a high calling. And the work God has called us to do in our city, our region, and beyond is too big for any one church to contain. Every church has a unique role to play, and over the last few years God has been bringing clarity to what that looks like for Redeemer.

For the last year we have worked diligently to break ground and lay the foundation of embodying our mission statement where our people KNOW GOD for who He has revealed Himself to be through a relationship with Jesus Christ; where our people BECOME LIKE JESUS through walking in obedience to God’s Word; and where our people HELP OTHERS DO THE SAME through making disciples.

Now that the foundation has been laid, I believe we are ready to do more; and STRONGER represents our commitment to make a unique impact through STRENGTHENING OUR CHURCH, FAMILIES, and  OUR CITY.

Will you prayerfully consider what step of obedience God is calling you to make in light of the work God is calling our church to do?

In Christ,

Jeff Martin




If we embody our mission to Know God, Become Like Jesus, and Help Others Do the Same we will be a healthy church.


We are growing, and with growth comes growing pains. Through the pain, we belive God is calling us to a long-term home.

Equip Our People

If we equip our people to understand how they were created for Christ, and have unique stories, experiences, gifts, and passions, then they can begin to leverage those things with a purpose to have a kingdom impact in our city and region.




Pray for God to move mightily at Redeemer during the next three years. Pray for our permanent home, that we would faithfully follow where God is leading us to plant deeper roots in our city. Pray for God to strengthen our church, our families, and our city.


God is calling each of us to take a step in faith to make us STRONGER. Take time to prayerfully consider what it means for you to take your next step of obedience. Maybe your next step is to give for the first time, maybe your next step is to commit your time by serving on Sunday with Team Redeemer, or maybe it’s to commit to financially supporting the STRONGER campaign through sacrificial giving.


No matter what your next step is, we believe that God has so much in store for you during this next season, and all He is asking is for you to commit to follow Him wherever He leads.


Use this guide to spend time in prayer as you consider how God is calling you toward obedience.




What Are You Asking Me To Do?

We are asking you to pray and seek God’s calling to your next step of obedience in your life. He is calling each of us to deeper trust in Him, so prepare your heart to hear and then do what He says. Talk with your spouse, your family, or others in your life about what this step will mean for you during this next season of life.

We are asking you to make a sacrificial commitment to gospel-centered generosity – whatever God is leading you towards. Finally, we are asking you to prepare to be amazed. The God we serve is more amazing than we could imagine. We look back and see how He has been faithful and we can look to the future knowing He will strengthen our church, our families, and our city.

How Long Is My Commitment

The STRONGER campaign represents the vision God is calling us to over the next 3 years at Redeemer, from August 2024-August 2027. To keep it simple for everyone, no matter when you begin your commitment it will last until August 2027.

Does This Change My Normal Giving?

The primary focus of the STRONGER campaign is to invite everyone to take their next step on a journey of generosity. That means that your next step might be different than someone else’s.

If you have never tithed, your next step might be to give for the first time. If you regularly tithe, your next step could be to give over and above your normal tithe.

In short, yes, your normal giving may change! We are asking you to make a sacrificial commitment to faithfully follow the ways that God is calling you to a generous life.

Is It Possible to Give Non-Cash Gifts?

We want to encourage you to be creative as you think about how you can support the STRONGER campaign. God might have blessed you with stocks, property, or other items of that nature that He may be calling you to give out during this time.

If you would like to talk with our executive pastor, Jeff Lilley, about how you could make a non-cash gift, you can reach him at

What About A Building?

Since Redeemer began, we have been a setup-and-teardown church. One of the goals of the STRONGER campaign is a permanent home for Redeemer. A place where we can best complete the work to which God has called us – to strengthen our church, our families, and our city. While we don’t know where God is leading us yet, we will strive to faithfully follow and continue the work while search for our permanent home.

Make Your Commitment

Are you ready to take your next step in your journey of generosity?