Redeemer Women


Redeemer Women is committed to helping women find wholehearted life in Jesus. We provide opportunities to study and meditate upon God’s Word and to build authentic, biblical relationships with one another. We strongly encourage proactive discipleship, taking responsibility for your own spiritual growth, and actively pouring into the lives of others.


Carol Woody

Carol is a passionate worshipper, teacher, and speaker whose life is a testimony to the transformative power of God’s grace. As a redeemed, justified, and sanctified child of the Most High, Carol’s heart beats for the Lord, and her ministry is focused on glorifying Him…

Bebe Gillooly

Bebe was born and raised in Orlando, Florida. After graduating from Lake Highland Preparatory School, she received a degree in Elementary Education from Clemson University, home of the 2016 and 2018 National Football Champions. Her responsibilities at Eagle Rock include development…

Anna Doerner

Hi there! My name is Anna Doerner (I prefer Annie ☺) and my life has been a testimony of overcoming. In my late teen years, I suffered from extreme anxiety and depression. I was so crippled with fear that I could barely leave my house…


Our Spring Tuesday studies are launching soon! Join the morning study every Tuesday at 9:30 AM (childcare available) or the evening study every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM. For more information about each study and to register, click the button.

Women's Events

We have so much in store throughout the year, so keep an eye out here

    1/31 – 2/2 – Winter Retreat (register now)


    Watch your inbox for the monthly newsletter for all the details about upcoming opportunities with Redeemer Women. Also, don’t forget to check out the Women’s Ministry group on Church Center to stay connected with other women at Redeemer and receive important event details. Just fill out the form and we will make sure you stay up-to-date!